

And welcome to Modah Jewish Yoga!

“A little bit of light pushes away a lot of darkness” — Jewish Proverb

Modah Jewish Yoga is a blending of Yoga practice with Jewish thought, philosophy, and values.

The name “MODAH” is a Hebrew word that means “thankful” or “to acknowledge”.  I think gratitude is one of the most important values of yoga, as well as acknowledging the divine in all.  “MODAH” is also a feminine form of the word.  In Sanskrit, the word “MODAH” means “joy”, “delight”, or “pleasure” and is in the male form.  I love that one language provides masculine and the other language provides feminine, providing balance.  This is something I certainly want to provide by way of yoga instruction.  I love that this one word represents 2 valuable areas of my life at once.

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